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Diet Fads - Diet-Today

Diet Fads – Are they real diet solutions?

The best way to answer this question is to understand why the most successful diet programs work. Some diet fads, are truly just a fad, and will go by the wayside. However, some diet solution programs turn into successful programs that really focus on full body transformation. The Simple 2 Lose program, or Take Shape for Life program, really have taken off over recent years because of their total body solution, rather than simply being a hyped fad that focuses on one type of food (or lack thereof).

Most typical diet fads work for a relatively short period of time, typically because they have a more individualistic-based approach regarding weight loss. Some emphasize the use of pills, and while others focus on refraining from certain types of food. Others yet, encourage the consumption of only a specific type of food, or food group.

Diet Fads Often focus on a promise of quick weight loss

Many diet fads typically refer to a “Mysterious Ingredient, Magic Pill, or recently re-discovered health food, or tribal secret” to staying thin. Many of the diet fads will really help people lose weight really fast, at least at first. It is important to understand why people lose weight when first starting a diet program. There are two main reason’s diet fads work at first, and then fail:

  • New supplement, product, or secret shocks the human body for a brief period of time, and the body must adjust to the new requirement to metabolize the product.
  • The person using the new product has a perceived, advertised, promise that some magic number of pounds will be shed in a relatively short period of time.

These two reasons for initial success often lead to failure of the diet program and the person engaging in the fad typically will put the lost weight back on. Why does this happen?

Why diet fads fail

Diet fads typically fail because they are not complete diet solutions which should focus on the entire health, and not just simply losing weight. A true diet solution will not promise unobtainable weight loss success based on a “Do one thing” approach.

The other reason diet fads seem to fail, is because of a lack of engagement by the person desiring to lose weight and the lack of support s/he has in their personal life. As discussed in our Healthy Habit programs, a complete and successful diet program focuses on a lifestyle change using a good support base for encouragement. They focus not only what someone should/should not consume, but also the quantity of food. For further information regarding what we believe to be the best diet solutions, take a look at our other pages.

Should I try a new diet?

No Diet FadsDiet fads can sometimes be good, however most are not. Many promote a partial piece to the larger puzzle of total weight loss. They may be promoted by celebrities, or good looking men and women. We recommend choosing a weight loss solution that has been tried and tested after consulting with your primary care provider. However, weight loss solutions can begin with a Fad, especially since many of the programs have some good basic principles in helping people lose weight. We just do not think they have enough content and supporting basis for long-term weight loss and total-body health.