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Welcome, everyone, to diet-today.com.

We’ve been diligently working on this site for quite some time now. The idea of this website came when the founder started a new career path which had a high probability of gaining undesired weight without being careful. Sitting all day, as the job required, without healthy habits in place and a plan to follow he knew he would gain unwanted weight. As he started eating healthier and researching alternative ways to exercise on a tight, fixed budget and schedule, he found information just wasn’t readily available in one location; rather the information was scattered throughout various sources – all claiming to have the best diet program and promises of magical weight loss results.

As a result he and his team has been working to analyze ways to maintain a healthy weight. This website is geared toward helping everyone who wants to maintain or achieve a healthy lifestyle.

We’ve been compiling a list of diets, some work and some don’t. Our reviews are included on this website, along with our editor’s picks. We hope to be your resource to aid you in your search for a healthier lifestyle.

We know that not all diets are alike. Some, surprise-surprise, don’t really work. Others work slower than others. We will continue to find and evaluate diets and post our findings on our review page along with healthy lifestyle-related information on our blog.

We encourage you to eat healthy and live with energy