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At Diet-Today, we believe there are many things that contribute to a healthy lifestyle that will aide in your journey to losing weight. Books, whether audio, digital (nook, kindle, etc), or in paper/hardback format are an essential way to help you in your journey.

Here are some of our favorite books that can help you. We’ll add more as we find other useful reading material worth purchasing.

  • Bob Greene’s ‘The Best Life Diet’ is a great book, not only is it recommended by Oprah, but it is recommended by us too. Find your copy today and enjoy his words of encouragement in your journey. You may also want to consider getting The Best Life Diet Daily Journal to help you along your path toward success.


  • One of our favorite healthy lifestyle programs is the South Beach Diet. They too have a book, The South Beach Diet Supercharged, that helps with your plan to a healthier you. Pick it up at amazon or Barnes and Noble fairly inexpensively.


  • Currently our most favorite diet program is not a diet. Rather it focuses much more than other programs on a healthier lifestyle, which we subscribe to whole heartily. It is called “Take Shape for Life”, or “Simple2Lose”. Unfortunately we haven’t seen anyone write a book specifically on the program, though we would encourage any healthy-conscious person with writing skills to write one. We would be happy to promote it. Until then, view our page on this amazing newer lifestyle-focused program here: Take Shape for Life Review

Do you have a good diet-book you would like us to review and possibly promote? User our ‘Contact Us’ form and let us know.